Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Media Assault on Male body image

Many people believe that the standard of a perfect body is the ones they see in the movies such as Brad Pitt’s body in Fight Club—a body that is “perfectly” sculptured, hairless, lean, and muscular. Men set these standards of how their body is suppose to look like and women set these standards of how men’s body are suppose to look like. But the reality is that real bodies have hair, sweat, blemish—which all are covered up in movies. The media glorify these “perfect body” images to also increase sales in beauty consumer products to fix the imperfections. The failure to meet the standards may lead to depression for men.

I believe this article provide us with a few good points. Many men I know actually believe that Brad Pitt’s body in Fight Club is the perfect body. After watching Fight Club or 300 with my guy friends, they all commented that they wanted to eat a lot of steak and go work out. I think it is hard for anyone to fit in a very specific guideline of a “perfect body”, and people to know that it is almost impossible to achieve the image but they try to achieve it anyways. Then they get depress when they do not achieve it. It is very common. (Posted by: Jeanie)

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